Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Art of Asia:Architecture-Four rooms

When watching these two videos I thought how peaceful and soothing it must have been to be in these rooms. In the part where they were discussing the Japanese large formal reception room  they had mentioned that the carpenders made sure when doing the wood trimming that they discarded wood with knots and they also  embellished the rooms;the architecture seemed kind of percise with the construction and lines. I thought just this part was in a way contradicting what Chinese and Japanese theme of nature emerging with people. The part of the Chinese room of the Wu family I thought it was interesting that the size and position of the chairs correlated with the importance of the guests. I guess the smaller the chair the less important you were. I wonder how the person with the tiniest chair felt about this; they must have been aware of the tradition. It seemed like they worshipped their ancestors like gods by having offerings given to them. This makes me think of the other cultures we have studied; like India and Egypt because they have multiple gods. They had talked of the tea ceremony which reminded me in ceramics we have learned about how important it was and how serious they took this. This culture seems to really emphasize the value of cherishing things that somepeople may think is small, by taking it all in. I wouldnt mind having my very own scholars room. I could have my birds singing, music playing, tickling crickets, drinking tea while painting. It sounds like a good idea right now especially after getting done with homework.

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