Monday, November 12, 2012

The Hagia Sophia, Istanbol

This cathedral I noticed had the growing curving arches and also colums. Some of their columns looked similiar to both ionic and Corinthian because they had swirls and leafy decor. The column with the hole in it which supposedly has healing powers its like every culture has superstitions. Even though they say it has history of an emperor using it to heal I wonder if it was used mostly just afterwards and more when it was a museum so then it would like a gimmick landmark to lure tourists in. The chandeliers were in a flower shape. Was this a common symbol to Istanbol?  They said some mosaics were stolen and shipped to vencince, are these placed in a museum? The mosaics that were still entact were of seperate images of the empress donating to a christ figure and another mosaic with Constatine with christ; now did they do this so they appeared more god like and as important? The cathdral seemed to be changed so much over time with different religions that it was like they were fighting with eachother like children, scribbling on each others drawings. Some covered up the mosaics because it showed figures which was against islam religion. The cathedral must have been so very impressive that people didnt want to build their own new mosques or churches.

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